Logistics of converting a cinder block building into a coop.


14 Years
Apr 26, 2010
I'm getting eggs in August, they will hopefully be reared by my indoor hen. But the time will come when they will need a coop. There's an old cement building that used to house a generator. At the moment its just housing junk, as far as I know. There's no front door but I can easily build a run around it to keep them contained, we have minimal predators here in Hawaii. Mostly Hawks, mongoose, dogs and cats. A basic run will keep them at bay. I'm a bit worried about ventilation and cleaning though, the building doesn't have good ventilation and I'd have to get permission to modify it. I already have permission to use it, modification is a different story. I'm wondering if its possible to build a false floor so that I can do a deep liter method. I have to go to work today but I have tomorrow off, so pictures of the building to come.

In the mean time if any one reading this could brainstorm possible problems with a cinder building being a chicken coop and post them here I would be grateful. I think cleaning and ventilation are my only problems but there might be something I haven't thought of so let it rip guys. I'm practically looking for an excuse to buy a coop kit at this point lol.
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Sounds like a great project, and you are wise to start thinking about it now instead of when it suddenly becomes a necessity. It definitely poses a challenge!

There is tons of feedback on these forums about prefab coops, I haven't seen many (if any) reports that they were satisfied with them in the long run.

How large is the building, and can you post some pics of it? - sorry just re-read your post and saw that you be getting pics tomorrow. Lol

Also what's your climate like? I know I've seen people posting about cinder blocks drawing moisture up out of the ground.
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Does it have a window? if you can get a good cross ventilation from the doorway to a window, you may be able to make it work.

What is the roof made of? Can you put a roof vent in? If not, how about soffit vents?
clickdb: My climate is warm and wet, I live in the Puna district of Hawaii island. The building has a proper cement floor and I believe the building is moisture sealed, it used to hold a generator for back up electricity. The building is fairly large I'm 5'3 and I can stand in the center stretching my arms out and not be able to reach any of the walls; so my guess would be its a 6x6 building. So more than big enough for 3 or 4 hens to stay in and still have play room.

wyoDreamer: Unfortunately no window, it was constructed to dampen the sound of a running generator and the roof is corrugated tin. Possibly corrugated Aluminum, either way metal roofing. I was thinking a cement drill bit and some soffit vents, TIL those things are called soffit vents, would do the trick. Drill one vent hole every other block just under the roof ledge, and the same nearer the floor. That way I have light and heavy gases covered, pretty much anything in between is inert anyway. And like I said there's no door, but there is a corridor to prevent water from getting in, so the vent holes will pull more than enough air into the coop. I do worry about about hot days but I don't expect they will be spending much time in the coop at that point anyway as they will want to take advantage of the sunlight. The biggest problem with that I have to get permission to alter the building as its not mine, but I don't think that will be a problem.
The pictures are pretty horrible, crashed my motorbike the other day so I"m not exactly up to par, but it should give you a general idea of what I'm working with.

As you can see its hard to get to at the moment, it was no warmer in the building than out. I had forgotten how good cinder blocks were at equalizing heat. Although I think I would unblock that hole at the back wall to allow a good breeze in addition to the vents near the roof. Of coarse its going to need to be cleaned out and I was thinking of putting a little bit of wood across the threshold of the door so that I can do deep litter. I'm sure our bananas and avocados would like some fert. So you think i have something I can work with or should I build something?
I wonder - how did they vent the generator?

Very similar to my situation - but I am in Wisconsin. And my brick room has a concrete ceiling - so no chance to put a vent in.
the bright spots in the picture are openings between the roof and the wall, not sure if that would be enough ventilation for a genny or not.
I would raise one end of the corrugated metal roof by at least a foot by building new trusses and supports, then secure 1/2' hardware cloth in the new gaps along the roof line to increase ventilation. When building a coop door, make it a strong screen door and use 1/2" hardware cloth as the screen panel to get air flow from the bottom of the coop to circulate to the top.
I don't know if you've ever experienced rain in Puna Hawaii, but if I raise that roof by a whole foot even just on one side and cover it with hardware cloth I'm going to have a wet coop and wet unhappy chickens. You don't think copious amounts of soffit vents near the roofing and removing the loose bricks at the back of the building would be enough? I was thinking that removing those loose bricks, then building a little covered porch would give plenty of air flow. It would also lead into their run.
I don't know if you've ever experienced rain in Puna Hawaii, but if I raise that roof by a whole foot even just on one side and cover it with hardware cloth I'm going to have a wet coop and wet unhappy chickens. You don't think copious amounts of soffit vents near the roofing and removing the loose bricks at the back of the building would be enough? I was thinking that removing those loose bricks, then building a little covered porch would give plenty of air flow. It would also lead into their run.
You can extend the roof line to create a longer overhang to shield the rain. Remove the loose bricks to create a chicken pop door is fine, but you would need more venting on the top, soffit vent would not be enough. I know Hawaii rains often and is very humid, thus good ventilation is even more important.

Btw, my sons is in Hilo and my brother lives in Kona. There are chickens everywhere!

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