Looking for advice on new bunny set up


Crossing the Road
Nov 8, 2021
As some of you may know, I rescued a bunny last year from a neglectful situation. She's been doing fantastic! Still not spayed yet. This will be booked in sometime in the next few months. Certainly done by her 2 year birthday.
But she's vaccinated and doing great!
She's been living in a divided part of my duck pen (separated well, don't worry) for far too long. By now I want her out so I can clean it all out and give the space back to my ducks.

My plan was to have her in my outbuilding but that's taken a rocky turn. That will be the goal over next winter at least. So this set up is only for summer.
For now, I'm planning her own set up. I can't have her inside, and I can't find a home where she will be inside- so this is the next best thing.

So far I'm looking at this pen, thinking I'll wire underneath to keep it predator proof and dig proof. And upgrade her hutch to a double story. (For at night)

I know a fair bit about modern bunny care and really value indoor spacious set ups, so this hurts me having to compromise.
But honest opinions, what do you think? Is it big enough?
What could I add for enrichment? I have some tunnels... she doesn't really use them unless hiding from the neighbours cat... which is once in a blue moon.
Is there anything other than dirt that would make a suitable substrate? I will provide a grass patch but hoping for something easy to clean.
Do you think this is okay? Doing my best for this little bunny.

I'll provide housing updates in this thread.
@Kiki @EverythingDucks I'd really value both of your opinions!
I did something similar to this when I had some breeding English lops. It was awesome. I didn't have a lot of predators but I lined the run with pavers that were I think 12x12. The buns loved it. I also had covered dog crates as they loved to be in them or be on top of them (think like a goat lol), Any kind of enrichment you do inside can pretty much be used outside too. Can't wait to see the setup!
I did something similar to this when I had some breeding English lops. It was awesome. I didn't have a lot of predators but I lined the run with pavers that were I think 12x12. The buns loved it. I also had covered dog crates as they loved to be in them or be on top of them (think like a goat lol), Any kind of enrichment you do inside can pretty much be used outside too. Can't wait to see the setup!
My bunny is keen on climbing lol, bet she'd love some crates to sit on, lol!
I'd add lots of hides for her so she'll feel safe in it. A more open hutch rather than a two story would be better but I know there aren't many options.
I think it looks pretty good though.
That's pretty reassuring
This may be the only hutch I can get- the single story larger ones are sooo pricey

I'd leave the bottom doors open so she can come and go
Perhaps a couple wooden hides, and tunnels
As some of you may know, I rescued a bunny last year from a neglectful situation. She's been doing fantastic! Still not spayed yet. This will be booked in sometime in the next few months. Certainly done by her 2 year birthday.
But she's vaccinated and doing great!
She's been living in a divided part of my duck pen (separated well, don't worry) for far too long. By now I want her out so I can clean it all out and give the space back to my ducks.

My plan was to have her in my outbuilding but that's taken a rocky turn. That will be the goal over next winter at least. So this set up is only for summer.
For now, I'm planning her own set up. I can't have her inside, and I can't find a home where she will be inside- so this is the next best thing.

So far I'm looking at this pen, thinking I'll wire underneath to keep it predator proof and dig proof. And upgrade her hutch to a double story. (For at night)

I know a fair bit about modern bunny care and really value indoor spacious set ups, so this hurts me having to compromise.
But honest opinions, what do you think? Is it big enough?
What could I add for enrichment? I have some tunnels... she doesn't really use them unless hiding from the neighbours cat... which is once in a blue moon.
Is there anything other than dirt that would make a suitable substrate? I will provide a grass patch but hoping for something easy to clean.
Do you think this is okay? Doing my best for this little bunny.

I'll provide housing updates in this thread.
@Kiki @EverythingDucks I'd really value both of your opinions! View attachment 3441232
oooo i love the setup! i recommend LOTSSS of enrichment tho, and do u only have one bunny? can we see a picture? :)
oooo i love the setup! i recommend LOTSSS of enrichment tho, and do u only have one bunny? can we see a picture? :)
I'm glad you replied to this thread as I needed to post an update!
I don't have many pictures but this is from a while back

She's my only bunny, due to her territorial nature, I wouldn't want her to be with another rabbit, at least until spay- as she'd very likely not take well to them. I may still end up rehoming her in the future, as it was never my plan to keep her. But that will depend on a lot of things. For now she's staying! Unless I find a better home for her.
also i can give u some enrichment ideas and great hides that u can buy on amazon! u can also litter box train her! :) it’ll make cleaning a whole lot easier
I have her pen built now, and a new hutch built, so I'm focusing now on adding lots of enrichment and hides in to keep the environment as comfortable and entertaining as possible!
I'll post pictures once it's all done!
I'm glad you replied to this thread as I needed to post an update!
I don't have many pictures but this is from a while back
View attachment 3509505
She's my only bunny, due to her territorial nature, I wouldn't want her to be with another rabbit, at least until spay- as she'd very likely not take well to them. I may still end up rehoming her in the future, as it was never my plan to keep her. But that will depend on a lot of things. For now she's staying! Unless I find a better home for her.
she’s adorable! and yeah i get that, they do need to be with atleast another one ! but when shes spayed and she tolerates others more i think thats the best time to introduce another bunny!

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