Looking for Appenzeller Spitzhauben.


15 Years
May 20, 2009
Whidbey Island
I live in Washington State and have been unable to find any Appenzeller Spitzhaubens(?) in my area. Will I have to break down and mail order from cackle. I’m actually only looking for a silver spangled rooster. Mine died recently after a being in some mystery declining health for a couple of months. Everyone else seems healthy, so I’m not sure what was going on with him, but he was a pretty cool guy and I miss him.
Scratch that, there are definitely no Apppenzeller spitzhauben breedes in washington, but there are breeders outside washington.The closest ones are in Canada, but then you would have to go through the whole importation process. THere are breeders in other parts of the U.S, like Greenfire farms in florida, or Grade eh farms which is close to washington. I don't believe there are any breeders who sell single roosters, so you would need to buy a comfortable number of chicks, and sell the ones you don't want, or keep them.
I wouldn't buy from Cackle since they don't have great quality chicks. What I mean by quality is that it doesn't conform the the standard that has been set by those who want the Spitzhauben admitted into the APA standard of perfection. Thy have healthy chicks and all, but they aren't the best out there. Though that depends if you are trying to breed them, or if their just for a backyard flock.
I live in Washington State and have been unable to find any Appenzeller Spitzhaubens(?) in my area. Will I have to break down and mail order from cackle. I’m actually only looking for a silver spangled rooster. Mine died recently after a being in some mystery declining health for a couple of months. Everyone else seems healthy, so I’m not sure what was going on with him, but he was a pretty cool guy and I miss him.
Spring Creek Farms , Bellingham
I've tried contacting Spring Creek Farms, as I only wanted the silver spangled variety. No response. If you can't get them to respond, looks like you'll get whatever color they decide to send you. I hope to get our coop completed soon, and I'm also in Washington now. Maybe someday I'll end up with a rooster? ;)

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