Looking for best hatcheries that ship to Kauai, Hawaii...


In the Brooder
Nov 15, 2020
Hey friends, I've been a chicken-owner for about a year now, and primarily own chickens for egg production. I live in Kauai, Hawaii, and am wondering which hatcheries would be the best to order day-old chicks from while minimizing trauma from traveling and climate and whatnot. I'm looking for Austrolorps, Easter Eggers/Americanas, and Barred Plymouth Rocks.
Any good hatcheries ya'll recommend?
Most of my chickens came from cackle hatchery, but I have stopped buying chickens from large hatcheries since I heard that some hatcheries kill extra baby chicks. I would recommend buying from a feed store or a breeder if you can.
The hard part is coordinating the purchase with the required import permit from the Plant Pest Division, Hawaii Department of Agriculture. You can find the application form on-line but it has to be submitted by snail-mail along with a small fee. You need the hatchery name/address/phone, number and type of chickens, and arrival date to apply for the permit. The problem is that you never know how long it will take the state to process the application. Once the permit is received from the state (again via snail-mail), send it to the hatchery ahead of time and have them attach it to the outside of the shipping box. Otherwise it could be confiscated at the post office and delayed or returned to sender.
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Hey friends, I've been a chicken-owner for about a year now, and primarily own chickens for egg production. I live in Kauai, Hawaii, and am wondering which hatcheries would be the best to order day-old chicks from while minimizing trauma from traveling and climate and whatnot. I'm looking for Austrolorps, Easter Eggers/Americanas, and Barred Plymouth Rocks.
Any good hatcheries ya'll recommend?
I am also on kauai and I am having the hardest time finding anything also. 😒 i just want to raise me some baby chicks/ backyard chickens.

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