Looking for cities in Georgia that allow roosters and chickens

I know this is about Georgia cities but our area is a microcosm of cities around the country since we have 92 cities in our county and each have their own unique ordinances. Approximately a third of them allow chickens. One city with pretty small properties allows goats and sheep. Some of the richest communities allow chickens and roosters. It is the poorest communities that disallow chickens. I guess they don't want to emulate the more prosperous areas. All the cities that allow roosters don't actually spell it out in the ordinances, they just don't mention them at all.
A couple years ago there was an attempt to get goats legalized in St. Louis city itself. That failed but at the same time they raised the number of chickens allowed from 4 to 10.
The city I live in allows new keepers 5 hens and a rooster. It was the first city I'm aware of that specifically wrote the allowance of roosters into the ordinance. It took me almost a year to get the ordinances changed and it allowed anyone who already had chickens to keep the number of birds they had plus 10%. I now have a permit for 85 chickens and 5 roosters. I didn't bother to tell them that males are technically cockerels till one year of age.
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