
Jan 14, 2025
Good Morning! :D

I would love everyone's ideas or duck tractor plans! I am starting my own little flock of Cayuga. (I don't think my drake is pure but this is a personal project and he is the sweetest. Don't worry, I have plans for drakes/hens. No one is unwanted.) I'd really like to build several duck tractors (4 to 5) for overall duck health, soil enrichment etc. Who has successfully built a duck tractor? What did you do for a water source? I am not comfortable free ranging because of the amount of hawks, and even eagles we have here! I currently do not have a livestock guardian dog, I cannot commit to training at this time. I will not put a dog in that position. We mostly have aerial predators here and are able to protect against other predators with normal amounts of hardware cloth, security etc. Using some recycled materials is also a great option for us. My husband is super handy so we regularly upcycle for our animals needs.

Thanks so much!

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