Lots of intestinal shedding in 3 week chicks - worms?


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2023
I have four 23 day old chicks from TSC. They are all acting normally. Their poop through the day though has looked bloody. Someone suggested I float droppings in water (because if the water turns pink, it’s blood, but otherwise, it’s intestinal lining.) I just did that and the water did not turn pink. But it can’t be normal to shed this much intestinal lining. Online research suggests worms, but these chicks haven’t been outside yet – they are in the brooder in my home. Any ideas or suggestions?

Coccidiosis has entered my mind and I do have Corid if need be. I’ve only ever had one bird with cocci and she was so sick though… these chicks are acting fine. ??

Thanks in advance. (Chicks are on Organic
Path crumbles, fresh water daily, pine shavings, temps between 85-90.)
I have that problem with one of my girls right now. She's an 8 month old indoor-only lavender orpington who's been consistently shedding an excessive amount of lining for 4 days, but there's no blood whatsoever. We're treating her with powdered corid in her water right now (currently 1/2 tablespoon to a gallon of water) and probiotics and electrolytes with it. I got the corid at tractor supply, but the chickens themselves are from a hatchery. I believe its cocci and that she's having a rough time with it. I hope maybe my advice can help you out a little.
Quick edit to add that my chicken also has little to no serious symptoms. She has less of an appetite and stopped laying eggs but otherwise seems content.
I would not hesitate to use Corid right away if coccidiosis is suspected or blood is seen. It is safe. Dosage is 10 ml (2 tsp) of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Do not give thiamine (vitamin B1) during Corid.
I would not hesitate to use Corid right away if coccidiosis is suspected or blood is seen. It is safe. Dosage is 10 ml (2 tsp) of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Do not give thiamine (vitamin B1) during Corid.
Is that amount adjusted for the size/age of the chicks? Or is it a one-size-fits-all scenario?
It is how all Corid is mixed for the severe outbreak dosage. Each chicken drinking normally will get the correct dose. If they won’t drink, it can be given with a dropper, dripped onto a small amount of feed. Mix a new batch daily. Divide it by 4 if using a quart waterer.
It is how all Corid is mixed for the severe outbreak dosage. Each chicken drinking normally will get the correct dose. If they won’t drink, it can be given with a dropper, dripped onto a small amount of feed. Mix a new batch daily. Divide it by 4 if using a quart waterer.
So sorry, one more question. How would you give a couple drops of a drench to chicks this young? When I had a pullet with cocci in the past, she was so sick that it was easy for me to use a dropper. These chicks aren’t having it.

There is blood all over my brooder now. I am so upset and just want to help these poor birds.

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