Magical color changing eggs


In the Brooder
Jan 22, 2025
I have an Icelandic that lays very lightly tinted white eggs, but has laid a dozen or so brown eggs over the last 18 months.

She is in with 2 other Icelandics. I’m getting 3 eggs a day from them. White. Then, yesterday, I get 2 white and 1 brown. Today I got 3 white again

Brown color looks Rhode Island reddish.

This isn’t possible per my research.

I see Icelandics classified as tinted egg layers. Does this translate to eggs color being “brown” and explain this.

I have 2 brown layers in another coop, but I get an egg a day from both. I don’t think they are tunneling in to leave a random
I'd like to see a comparison of her usual tinted egg and then the darker one. I have noticed in my own birds that when they skip a day or two their next egg is often a bit darker and/or has more speckles than usual. The bloom is often heavier too which can affect the color a bit.

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