Male or female barred rock chicks?


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2017
Got these cutie pies from TSC! They were supposed to all be females but from the different forums I've been reading I'm starting to double guess on what the sex is. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it!
Chick 1


Got these cutie pies from TSC! They were supposed to all be females but from the different forums I've been reading I'm starting to double guess on what the sex is. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it!
Chick 1


Looks like all barred rocks, as far as male/female----its hard to say this young, but I have a feeling there might be a male or two in there---but that is no for sure answer.
The first two have some pretty large combs for chicks that young, but it's hard to tell without seeing the chicks firsthand, and without knowing how large the parents' combs were. Even young cockerels tend to chest-bump and scold. Are you sure they weren't in the straight run bin?
They were in with Tetra browns and they were all labeled pullets but that doesn't mean that someone didn't mix them up and put them in the wrong bin.
Got these cutie pies from TSC! They were supposed to all be females but from the different forums I've been reading I'm starting to double guess on what the sex is. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it!
Chick 1


These look exactly like my Barred Rock pullets. Are they about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks old? If so, I believe they are all pullets. If I HAD to pick one as a cockerel, I'd pick number one.

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