Male or Female Barred Rock?


7 Years
6 Years
Jan 23, 2013
Tallahassee, FL
Okay friends. Help me out. This baby is 6 weeks old. I'm curious
if you can tell me if this is a pullet or a roo.
That looks like a female. Our BR rooster had curved tail feathers and was lighter colored than our female BR.
She kind of looks like our Barred Rock hens did at 6-7 weeks.. ... I was told that usually males are more white than black.. girls are more black than white.. and that males have a more regulated pattern, (they form sort of a nice white stripe) whereas a hens pattern is a bit more varied and not as crisp.. Hope this helps! (The pic is one of our girls when young)

The comb redness/growth makes me think that it is a male. While Barred Rocks can often be sexed by color (males being lighter, and females being darker), in hatchery birds, that method isn't always accurate. Therefore, for now, I'm going to say cockerel.
So, we have two votes female because of feathering and two votes male because of the redness of the comb and wattles. I must say, It is the comb and wattles that made me suspicious. They seem so...out there for a six week old. Redder and bigger. But am i imagining this?
Though I'm not going to change my guess.. (I'm still holding out for female) I was looking at that a lot too! Especially since others mentioned it.. and comparing them to two of my girls (the pics I put up in my post above).... They do indeed seem really red and definitely there! So now I'm wondering a bit too! I just don't know which is more accurate or has a higher percentage of identification when playing this guessing game? Comb/Wattles or feathering? I'll have to look it up and see what others think... lol.. I'm actually anxious for your lil one to grow and let us know! Adorable lil chickadee either way! =)

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