male or female marans chick???


10 Years
Aug 18, 2009
n. california
Here's a picture of my BC marans and my cuckoo marans taken last night. Can anybody tell me whether the BC is a cockrel? The cuckoo is about 4 weeks old, the BC should be between 4 and 5 weeks from what the breeder told me (but the BC seems smaller than the cuckoo to me, with less tail feather growth). The only difference in their legs is the BC has black legs down to the feet and the cuckoo's legs are only dark part way down, but they are about the same size. Don't know if different sexes show personality differences this early, but the BC is the mellowest, most curious and friendly of all my chicks, though the cuckoo is also pretty mellow... they're so mellow, I couldn't get them to stand up for the picks
. Maybe a marans trait

Figgy my BC, hopefully a pullet

Bramble, my feed store cuckoo, hopefully a pullet
I'd say roo on the BC because of large comb and developing wattles. The CM may still be too young to call it. Good sized comb, but I've been fooled by that before. I got a nice little partridge rock hen from a chick that had big legs and comb from the start.
Such sweet chicks! Mellow is good!!

This might help you.
According to UC Davis Veterinary Care Program.
2. Physical Characteristics (4-6 weeks of age)
a. Comb – The cockerels comb is medium size and pinkish, the pullets is small and yellowish.
b. Legs – The cockerel’s legs are sturdy and long, the pullets are finer and shorter.
c. Tail – The cockerel’s tail is stumpy and curved, the pullets is longer and straight.
d. Back – The cockerel has a thin line of stub feathers down the center of his back, the pullet has more advanced feathering along the center of her back.
e. Side of neck, flank and crop – The feathering in the cockerel in these areas is poorly advanced, the pullets feathering in these areas is well advanced.
f. Wing bows – In the cockerel the wing bows are bare, in pullets the wing bows are covered with small feathers.​
. The breeder and I searched through the bin of chicks looking for a girl and I snag a roo, of course. Bramble is a feed store chick and is supposed to be a pullet, so I an not gonna stress about her, yet. Can anybody tell me the potential temperment of a BC Marans roo? I ready have an evil silkie roo and don't need another, but right now, he is sooo sweet and calm.

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