Male pigeon keeps attacking female after baby hatched


11 Years
Jun 30, 2013
Charleston, WV
My pigeon pair just had their first baby hatch this morning, but my male has become super aggressive towards the female. He laid on the nest all day after chasing her out around 3pm, whenever she would try to sit instead they would fight. She finally got on the nest around 10pm. It’s close to midnight now, and he’s jumped in the nest and attacked her three times since. I had to physically move him off of her. He finally succeeded in pushing her out and he’s laying on the nest now.

I’m worried about both the mom and the baby. He seems to feed the baby, but if they keep getting in fights on top I’m worried it could get trampled or something.

Any advice?
How’s the pair getting along now?

I have to admit, this is pretty odd and the first time I’ve heard something like this. It’s not unusual for the cock to be super aggressive with the hen in terms of driving her into the nest, typically around the 2 week stage of the squabs when the cock wants to start a second clutch. I haven’t heard of a cock driving his mate off the nest.

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