I guess I have two male turkeys. Lol so I have them in the same area with about 20 chicken hens and 1 Rooster. Do you think I will have any issues? The coop is 10x10 with lots of roosting bars. The “run” is a fenced in area that’s about 60 feet by 80 feet.
Do you think I’ll have issues? Should I sell one of the boys and get a couple girls? Thoughts?
I guess I have two male turkeys. Lol so I have them in the same area with about 20 chicken hens and 1 Rooster. Do you think I will have any issues? The coop is 10x10 with lots of roosting bars. The “run” is a fenced in area that’s about 60 feet by 80 feet.
Do you think I’ll have issues? Should I sell one of the boys and get a couple girls? Thoughts?