

11 Years
Dec 27, 2008
I have a 171/2 week old GSL pullet and an 17 1/2 week old light brahma Roo, that mated for the first time today! My question is about the egg laying, does this mean she should lay now? I Noticed just last week that peaches' face comb and wattles are bright red, This is the first time she has allowed a male to catch her and sit down for him. So about how much longer do I have to wait for my first egg now? Im getting sooooo excited!
Thanks Sandy
were goin through the same thing with our pylmouth rocks and we found our fist eggs yester day, it took about a 1 1/2 weeks after he started this,are there combs and wattles really red? thats another sign there gettin ready to lay
Allowing a male to mate isn't a sure sign, but his interest is promising! Typically, their comb and wattles get larger and redder.

You can also feel between their pelvic (?) bones by their tail... if they're laying (or close), you should be able to fit 3 fingers between them, if they're not laying, you can only fit about 1 in.

You can also look at her vent... if it's wide open and moist looking, she's getting close!

Exciting! Post a picture of your egg when you get it (soon, it sounds like!)
Peaches' wattles and her comb and especially around her eyes and cheaks are very red, Im going to check for the other signs tomarrow in the morning. This waiting game is almost unbearable! LOL And I will most def. post pictures! I"ve been waiting for the first egg ever since I first found BYC! That was quite awhile before I even got my first chick! Thanks for the info! Sandy

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