~May 2017 Chicken Competition~


Easily distracted by Chickens
5 Years
Jun 3, 2016
Lewiston NY
Hello, This is my first time doing a chicken competition but i just love these kinds of threads and seeing what people have in their flock! i cant wait to see what people have to post

So here are the Rules~

:Chickens only doesn't matter how old or young they are:

:Must be your chickens:

:Only use four pictures for your chickens:

:You may tell a story about your chicken if you wish:

:The form should look like this when you enter you chicken:






Your chicken will get the chance to earn
1st Place

2nd Place


3rd Place!

Your chickens will be judged by their looks, stories and the quality of the picture!

|The deadline will be May 30, 2017|

Cant wait to see all your posts!
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I will get the ball rolling. Here is my lovely Georgie so named because she was a Curious George. She would come up whenever you were working and jump up on your wheelbarrow or your shoulder or whatever and cock her head as if to say so what are you up to? So I resorted to a selfie once.

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this is my boy hei hei he is a 5 month old hamburg .he was bought after getting my hen opal as a companion for her since she wasnt accepted to well in the flock since adding hei hei everyone gets along perfectly
Butternut 2.jpg

Name: Butternut
Breed: Buff Orpington (though the breeder crossed Orpington colours so Butternut has very pretty neck speckles)
Age: almost a year old
Gender: Pullet, almost a hen

Dear little Jasper…….he is my sweetheart and my main man!

He is quite the character and has always been very social. Wherever I go he follows, or he watches me, then follows. I love this little dude, he has some beautiful orange strips around his neck and being a little cockerel he has some stunning green tail feathers coming in, but he's still a baby.

Whenever I go and sit in the coop (with all the 9-week old chicks) he comes right over, and he really does climb into my lap and fall asleep, it's too cute :love

Then once he's had a nice nap, he climbs onto my arm and observes everything...

He's pretty funny, and I do wonder why he looked like a bit of an EE with those puffy cheeks he had as a bub.

Name: Jasper

Breed/Mixes: Er.......i breed so many mixes I'm not exactly sure what mix he is?

Age: 9 weeks old

Gender: Cockerel

Picture: Above.

Breed/Mixes: Dominique(Mix?)

Age: 3 1/2 yrs

Gender: Hen


She was shipped as a chick from Meyer Hatchery, and lived happily with her 3 "sisters".
One night, an animal attacked the brooder, leaving one pullet dead, and the three others missing some toes. Poor Georgia received the brunt of it, with no complete toes left at all, just nubs. Despite that, her small size, and losing the rest of her sisters to predators, she is now the queen of the coop, bossing around even our spurred hen, Penelope. Georgia really is a Miracle Chicken.

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