Mealworms/Grubs Question


Jul 20, 2023
Greenville, SC
I have almost 6 week old pullets. As they grew in their brooder, for a treat and to keep them entertained I’d give them moist mealworms in a treat ball. They went insane for them. Just absolutely loved them. Over the last two weeks I’ve been trying to introduce them to the dried mealworms and dried grubs. They aren’t interested in either. They pick them up and then just drop them. These are obviously much more readily available and less expensive than the moist kind. Any tips on how to get them excited about the dried kind?
chickens get used to things and like routine but i dont buy that they really have preference like that .. you want to see them go crazy for 'anything' cut their food supply off 24 hours .. that will be the new favorite treat whatever you give them ..
I have almost 6 week old pullets. As they grew in their brooder, for a treat and to keep them entertained I’d give them moist mealworms in a treat ball. They went insane for them. Just absolutely loved them. Over the last two weeks I’ve been trying to introduce them to the dried mealworms and dried grubs. They aren’t interested in either. They pick them up and then just drop them. These are obviously much more readily available and less expensive than the moist kind. Any tips on how to get them excited about the dried kind?
Live mealworms are usually preferred, cost next to nothing if you grow them yourself, and you will know exactly what the mealworms have been raised on because you will have supplied it. And it's easy to do. This is a useful website with lots of info,
and this is how I do it (started 3 years ago and still going strong)
If you have any queries, don't hesitate to ask.
Live mealworms are usually preferred, cost next to nothing if you grow them yourself, and you will know exactly what the mealworms have been raised on because you will have supplied it. And it's easy to do. This is a useful website with lots of info,
and this is how I do it (started 3 years ago and still going strong)
If you have any queries, don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you. I never thought of that.
Be very careful when offering daily treats.
Daily treats take away from the birds getting a balanced diet and that will cause problems.
Mealworms are high in fat and should not be fed daily.
Once a week would be ok but only if you are offering 3-5 per bird.
Also...You really really might want to stop feeding treats to chicks and save the treats for when they are full grown.
Maybe a silly question, but what happens to chickens if they eat too many mealworms? Or get too much fat in their diet? Are there signs to look out for?

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