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I put avian netting over both my layer and meat bird yards.  We have nesting red tail hawks on our property, so it was necessary.   They carried off one juvenile meat bird before we closed off all the gaps in the netting.

As far as getting in the shed at night, I worked out a system where I fed them twice a day.  First thing in the morning, I put their trough of fermented feed out in their yard.  After all the meaties had rushed out, I cleaned out the shed and closed it off.  Right before bedtime, I would put their evening trough of feed inside the shed and open back up the doors.  After a couple of times they figured it out fast and would stampede back in.  After the first year, we put a back door in the shed, so I could get in with the food and set it down, and not be swarmed by incoming chickens.  I was lucky to have a large enough shed that we were able to create good light and ventilation in, so that had a decent area to eat supper in.

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