Medicine for dirty Vent


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2023
Hello! I would really appreciate any advice on this :)

One of my chickens, Betty, has been having chronic dirty vent for awhile. We've tried the apple cider vinegar and yogurt but it never seems to help. So we took her to the vet and even the vet wasn't that much help. She basically said the dirty vent could be stemming from issues with her kidneys or reproductive organs. Betty was also attacked by a husky a year ago and the vet said that could have something to do with it...but the vet did give us some medicine that cleared up her vent pretty quickly. It was MELOXICAM 7.5MG and AMOXICILLIAN 10pmg. I was hoping someone here might be able to let me know where I could buy this medicine online, it's too expensive to keep getting it from the vet. Thank you for your help!
Both of those medications are not or no longer available. The very weak end amoxicillin powder for chickens sold online is no where near the dosage for a chicken (250 mg orally twice a day for 7-10 days.) Do you have any other details about your hen, such as if she lays eggs, if her lower belly belly the vent is enlarged making it hard for droppings to get to the ground, or if she is having any egg laying problems? What do you feed? Probiotics or plain good Greek yogurt with lice cultures may help keep her gut bacteria good. Cottage cheese, just a tablespoonful, may help if she is having runny poops. I always have seemed to have one hen who needed an occasional cleaning off.

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