Minor wet feather - should I be concerned?


Art & Animals
Premium Feather Member
7 Years
Jul 31, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
All of my Muscovies have some degree of wet feather. They bathe and preen multiple times a day, but it hasn't resolved. It started this spring; they had no issues in the winter. I've read it's not uncommon in Muscovies, but should I be concerned and is there anything I should do to help them?


I’m not seeing much wet feather in these photos. Maybe the 2nd photo on your drake’s (?) belly and neck. Do they still dry off after a while?

I think I have 2 hens like yours who will get somewhat wet, but they are still able to dry off just fine. They haven’t had a problem with it, but I can’t explain why it’s happening.
I’m not seeing much wet feather in these photos. Maybe the 2nd photo on your drake’s (?) belly and neck. Do they still dry off after a while?

I think I have 2 hens like yours who will get somewhat wet, but they are still able to dry off just fine. They haven’t had a problem with it, but I can’t explain why it’s happening.
Thanks! They do seem to dry off eventually but their feathers continue to look shredded. When they bathe their heads, flanks, and wing coverts, mainly, get completely soaked.

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