Missing Hen

Grind Hard Farm

Apr 18, 2024
Florida, USA
My Coop
My Coop
So yesterday I tended to our flock and every hen was there. This morning our silver-laced Wyandotte, Twin, was missing. She likes to find her way out of the chicken pen and lay eggs around the yard. My question is do hens wander far? We suspect she either got snatched by a raccoon or she may be wandering around.
Most chickens will stay pretty close to home. Have you looked around the yard to see if she's gone broody somewhere?

If you've got a gap in your pen large enough for a chicken to escape a predator can definitely break in that way. I would work on reinforcing your coop so the chickens can't get out and the predators can't get in.
Most chickens will stay pretty close to home. Have you looked around the yard to see if she's gone broody somewhere?

If you've got a gap in your pen large enough for a chicken to escape a predator can definitely break in that way. I would work on reinforcing your coop so the chickens can't get out and the predators can't get in.
We looked around eariler and couldn't find anything. I just came back in from looking again and she's in the pen like nothing happened. She must've been hiding to lay an egg in the pen or she could've got out, who knows?

Thanks for the tip, we went ahead and closed it off.

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