Mites treatment


May 19, 2020
Hello! I posted last week about my sick girl. Once I figured out that she was loaded with kites, due to being broodie and not dust bathing. Gave her a dust bath, got rid of all mites. Still administering 1cc TID of B-12. Placed the Ivermectin under wings, bum, as directed by my chicken friend. She’s eating plenty, poop getting back to normal , I’m still needing to administer dextrose SebQ, no water intake. Still semi-immobile, can’t walk, looked better, but looking worse today. SUGGESTIONS!!!????? This is day 10! Picture is last week, more perky after dust bath


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You were given advice in your other previous thread to give human B complex, not B12. BComplex tablets have all B vitamins in addition to B12. But B complex has riboflavin, which is very important in leg health. Your hen may well have Mareks. To have been like this so long, I think she may be dying. I would try to get a necropsy by your state vet to get testing. You have talked about subcutaneous and IV fluids, but have you tried to crop feed her?
You were given advice in your other previous thread to give human B complex, not B12. BComplex tablets have all B vitamins in addition to B12. But B complex has riboflavin, which is very important in leg health. Your hen may well have Mareks. To have been like this so long, I think she may be dying. I would try to get a necropsy by your state vet to get testing. You have talked about subcutaneous and IV fluids, but have you tried to crop feed her?
She has been eating on her own. No need to crop feed, I’ve been giving tomatoes, fruits, scrambled eggs.

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