Mixed flock various ages


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2015
I have pullets and cockerels of varying ages from 6-7 weeks up to 13-14 weeks altogether in the same run and coop. Seem to get along fine but my question is I'm feeding them all grower feed atm and I'm wondering what I should do when the older pullets start to lay? Should I
switch them all to layer or just keep them all on grower until they are all laying. It's a tricky situation because they're together.
When the first start to lay, it may be 8-12 weeks or more before the late bloomers lay.

The best technique is to continue grower till they are all laying or at point of lay. When the oldest are about 17 weeks or so, start providing crushed oyster shell in a separate container. Never let them run out till you switch to layer and even then, having the OS available is still a good idea.

Layer is 4% calcium and all other feeds are 1%. 4 is too high for any birds not producing egg shells.
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Ok great and thank you for the info! Will the younger birds get into the OS and eat it as well? I'm thinking they will cause its something new in the coop. Should I be concerned about this? I've read about too much calcium causing problems to the non laying birds yes.
They may pick at it to test it but it doesn't taste that good so they won't eat it unless they feel the need.
This is how most people handle mixed flocks and I haven't had significant issues doing it this way.

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