Mixing chicks with chicks


Aug 15, 2021
I want to integrate my chicks into one brooder but need advice on the best way to do it. On side A I have (3 Jersey Giants, 2 Australorps & 1 Ameraucana). On side B I have 3 Buff Orpington pullets. Side B is 3 weeks. Side A is 4-5 weeks and 2 of them possible roosters. The Orps are smaller than the others and I don't want them to be hurt by putting them all together but also don't want to wait because I think the longer the worse it will be. I'll attach pictures of development. Any help would be appreciated. :)View attachment 2801069
Side A above
View attachment 2801070

Side B above
I want to integrate my chicks into one brooder but need advice on the best way to do it. On side A I have (3 Jersey Giants, 2 Australorps & 1 Ameraucana). On side B I have 3 Buff Orpington pullets. Side B is 3 weeks. Side A is 4-5 weeks and 2 of them possible roosters. The Orps are smaller than the others and I don't want them to be hurt by putting them all together but also don't want to wait because I think the longer the worse it will be. I'll attach pictures of development. Any help would be appreciated. :)View attachment 2801069
Side A above
View attachment 2801070

Side B above
They should be fine. Just watch them for a couple hours.
Watch them closely and be ready to remove troublemakers. This is the age when the males start getting cocky and territorial. I tried to merge two groups of 4-week-old chicks this past spring (Orps and barnyard mixes) and all the males wanted to do was kill each other :he Which was hilarious because they were still babies, and probably couldn't/wouldn't do too much damage to each other yet, but they were really into it and fluff was flying. I ended up getting rid of the males and the females were fine together.
Watch them closely and be ready to remove troublemakers. This is the age when the males start getting cocky and territorial. I tried to merge two groups of 4-week-old chicks this past spring (Orps and barnyard mixes) and all the males wanted to do was kill each other :he Which was hilarious because they were still babies, and probably couldn't/wouldn't do too much damage to each other yet, but they were really into it and fluff was flying. I ended up getting rid of the males and the females were fine together.
That's kind of what happened when I took out the divider. They were definitely trying to assert themselves. Any advice on what to do about the Roos in the long run?
Any advice on what to do about the Roos in the long run?
Well, depends on what your plans and preferences are. Do you intend to keep any of them? Are you comfortable with the idea of processing and eating them? You could try finding new homes for them, but that's always a challenge. Always more unwanted roosters than people willing to take them. So you have to have an exit strategy before you hatch or bring chicks home, as there will inevitably be roosters, even if they're sold as sexed (mistakes always happen). I'm not squeamish so I eat mine. They are delicious!
Well, depends on what your plans and preferences are. Do you intend to keep any of them? Are you comfortable with the idea of processing and eating them? You could try finding new homes for them, but that's always a challenge. Always more unwanted roosters than people willing to take them. So you have to have an exit strategy before you hatch or bring chicks home, as there will inevitably be roosters, even if they're sold as sexed (mistakes always happen). I'm not squeamish so I eat mine. They are delicious!
Haha. The attached kid is the hard part. Telling her one can't stay. How does it work out keeping 2? They're already at it so probably not good.

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