mixing duckl


Mar 15, 2024
hey guys, so I have been looking for a cayuga duck for a while now and I finally saw a post for some 2 week old babies. I have 9 muscovy ducklings 2.5 weeks old. so my question is do you think if I bought 2 ducklings I could put them in with my muscovy ducklings? any tips?
It really depends on size they could get run over by some of the other ducklings, especially if you have a lot. You can try putting them in together, but just keep a close eye on them to make sure nobody’s being mean. One of my ducklings just died so I had to get another one. They’re doing just fine together but then again there’s only two.
I would definitely put up a divider in the brooder where they can see each other but not touch.

Introducing at these ages would be less a matter of size and more a matter of bullying. In the coming days / weeks, if you have good weather, I’d let them run around outside together. Chasing is okay, biting is not. They may not be friends necessarily due to being different species, but they should be able to get along in time, ideally within a few weeks.

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