Mixing waterfowl and chickens

Apex Peacher

In the Brooder
Aug 20, 2024
Hello! I currently have 5 ducks all hens and am interested in raising some backyard chickens. I have plenty of space but need some advice on what breed of chickens are good for hot weather ( I am located in central Texas). My girls have had some reproductive issues and I have lost one of my buff Orpington’s to egg yolk peritonitis. I do not want a productive egg laying breed of chicken. Heartbreaking that these girls are bred to over produce but I digress. I have a very well built coop that can be customized for some chicken friends. Any advice on breeds and how to introduce chickens to my girls? Thanks in advance.
I don’t get a lot of eggs from my bantams, but you may want a standard breed if you’re going to have them with large ducks. Some say EE’s can be low production layers but I’ve found mine to be my most frequent. Wyandottes seem to be low production and usually good with heat in my experience.

I’ve raised ducks and chickens together in the past and have found plenty of success in it. The only reason mine are separate now is because of space. A successful introduction begins by having the birds in the same run area but separated by a partition so that they may see and talk to each other and interact in every way except for physically. They eventually become used to each other’s presence and when the time comes to integrate fully, no one really bats an eye.

I’ve heard unfortunately about many chickens drowning when housed with ducks. I suggest making sure that whatever pond you have set up is shallow enough for a chicken to stand in.

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