I've got a rooster i need to separate because I don't have enough hens to support two roosters. I'll keep two of the hens with him but this is my chance for a meat flock. My normal coop is stationary with a fenced in run. This one would be mobile and I've thought about it a lot and settled on two possible styles...A frame and cattle panel hoop style. Both are structurally sound for snow, lightweight, offer a place inside to make an elevated coop, etc. The cattle panel is possibly preferred from the standpoint that it's cheaper and bigger to stand in. However for A frame I'd use 3/4 EMT conduit and structural connectors so it would still be light. Only the coop itself will be framed in wood and I'll use lightweight cedar boards and maybe a slotted floor for ease of poop disposal and keeping weight down. Any input on either of the two if you'd done it? The coop I have now is my 4th. I've done the two story coop/run hybrid, the stationary apartment/run combo, full coop/attached run style etc, but not these two. The biggest burden for me will be water. I use a rain barrel on my coop for water so this one will have to have a bucket that I'll fill more often sadly but that's ok. Maybe I can channel water off the roof into that as well.