Modify these roosts?


Mar 11, 2024
White Mountains of Arizona
I think I need to modify these roost bars because I’d like to arrange a poop board under them if at all possible. The coop is 5x4 and 6’ tall. As is, that’s almost 14’ roost room. Below is a pic from online. Not shown on the right are the nest boxes so the bars go over them at the last foot. Definitely putting a board over those. I’m cutting out the triangle above the door and putting up HC there. It seems that whoever is on the short bar will be splatted from above. So what would you do (besides toss the whole pre fab away😂) ? Oh they are 12” from either wall and each other right now I think. Do they have enough runway? I believe the tall ones are 3-3.5 feet high. I’d go measure but weather is awful. I Have 6 chicks, 3 RIR and 3 barred rocks. Thank you!


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That's supposed to be 10ft x 5ft footprint?

If you want your roost setup to be like the 2nd pic, then just copy it. I think 2nd pic has better roost placement than pic1, because they're going the short direction and off to the side, this leaves the most room for them to jump out/down off the roost vs having to jump down the short direction into a wall
Start to sand the corners of the roost bars. The edges look sharp and it will hurt the chickens feet.

I doubt the size of the coop is sufficient for 6 normal sized hens.
Have you bought these 6 as chicks already? Or can you buy bantams instead?
That's supposed to be 10ft x 5ft footprint?

If you want your roost setup to be like the 2nd pic, then just copy it. I think 2nd pic has better roost placement than pic1, because they're going the short direction and off to the side, this leaves the most room for them to jump out/down off the roost vs having to jump down the short direction into a wall
I edited. Not sure how I wrote 10x5. It’s roughy 4x5.5. Sorry. I like pic 2 better but don’t want to copy if it’s not sufficient. Thank you.
Start to sand the corners of the roost bars. The edges look sharp and it will hurt the chickens feet.

I doubt the size of the coop is sufficient for 6 normal sized hens.
Have you bought these 6 as chicks already? Or can you buy bantams instead?
Sand corners. Got it. I do already have the chicks. Thank you.

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