
Apr 22, 2022
Hello, I have a severe issue with molded feed all over the ground and it is almost too much to shovel out. I’m disabled and limited to what I can do. It’s affected my chickens. It’s warm again today . I’m trying to scrape it all up but it’s going to take many wheel Barrows like 100 . Is there anything I can spray on it to help kill the mold while I’m getting it up. I’m going to try and hire help but now it’s an emergency.
Hello, I have a severe issue with molded feed all over the ground and it is almost too much to shovel out. I’m disabled and limited to what I can do. It’s affected my chickens. It’s warm again today . I’m trying to scrape it all up but it’s going to take many wheel Barrows like 100 . Is there anything I can spray on it to help kill the mold while I’m getting it up. I’m going to try and hire help but now it’s an emergency.
You could try spraying it with white vinegar.
If you are feeding crumbles you might want to switch over to pellets as they are a lot less messy.
I agree with @Geena -vinegar may work enough to immediately address it, and is cheap and easy to get. In the garden area of a store you could get a fungicide, or similar to help, but only if you could keep the chickens away from the area until cleaned.

Assume that this area gets wet when it rains, so try to shelter the feed area more. If using a feeder, get ones with baffles so the chickens cannot swipe food out as easily-these are like the very common “7lb feeder” sold at places like TSC, and are inexpensive. But, to contain it further, you can put something below the feeder so extra stuff gets eaten bc it can be seen by the chickens. This could be large pavers, or a wide/low feed pan, or even one of the water catch pans that is put under a hot water heater. And hanging, or placing a feeder at the back height of a bird is ideal and also helps to minimize waste.

Good luck.
If it is possible, I would move the coop and run to another area and cover the run to keep it dry.

Install the feeders inside the coop to prevent the feed from getting wet and moldy.

Then use vinegar on the moldy areas and get better drainage.

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