Molting or mites??


Apr 23, 2016
I have 3 red hens from my flock that look like this.. This one is the worse.. I tried to look and see if I could see any mites/lice but no luck??

Any idea?
A few of my girls look like this, as well. No lice or mites, though I sprinkled them with DE anyway. I cleaned out the co-op, as well. Mine are all acting normal....except one. I have one that is keeping to herself and has some soiled vent feathers. I'm following!
I have several hens that look like that. My boys(roosters) add to the messed up feathers. But I have caught mice on my girls. They only chew the feathers thankfully.
It looks like rooster treading to me, make sure to check for lice/mites just in case.
You may want to put saddles on the girls. A rooster can cause damage/injury to the skin as well so keep an eye out for that.

Thanks I honestly never even thought about my rooster being the calprite but it makes sense. I even looked again on them last night and couldn't see any lice/mites..
We just treated them about a month ago just to be on the safe side anyway.

Looks like I'll be making some saddles for those 3 girl

Thanks WR
In case anyone comes across this post this chicken was in deed moulting!
She has now gotten most of her feathers back!

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