More Color ID Help?

May 30, 2023
Just trying to get color IDs on some of my 8 week birds! I’m pretty certain a few of them are Tibetans. First set of photos is a roo and the rest are hens


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3-normal Rosetta/tibetan
4/5-scarlet or range (eb roux)

The top two are really interesting! My guess on 1 is autumn amber manchurian? (Homozygous fawn and roux)?

The second one is really a puzzle but gorgeous, head looks Italian but the solid breast looks eb, I love the frosted red barring too! Scarlet fee (eb/roux/fee)??? Cool bird whatever it is!
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3-normal Rosetta/tibetan
4/5-scarlet or range (eb roux)

The top two are really interesting! My guess on 1 is autumn amber manchurian? (Homozygous fawn and roux)?

The second one is really a puzzle but gorgeous, head looks Italian but the solid breast looks eb, I love the frosted red barring too! Scarlet fee (eb/roux/fee)??? Cool bird whatever it is!
Thank you! Yeah I am mostly confused on the first two. I have been told Manchurian for the roo but I thought Manchurian males had dark brown heads and very good bodies with a few black spots so I’m wondering what he could be. He got more white as he aged. The hen im
completely lost on and since it came from a variety set I don’t have any way to narrow down
I’d definitely say he’s Italian of some sort and he looks like a roux bird (overall reddish), maybe hatching eggs is the only way to know for sure! I suppose you don’t know if there are any rare colors like ginger or something? I have two Blau/blue birds that I only figured out by looking at pictures (thieving otter farms has some really good ones). Interested to hear what you eventually find out!
I’d definitely say he’s Italian of some sort and he looks like a roux bird (overall reddish), maybe hatching eggs is the only way to know for sure! I suppose you don’t know if there are any rare colors like ginger or something? I have two Blau/blue birds that I only figured out by looking at pictures (thieving otter farms has some really good ones). Interested to hear what you eventually find out!
It’s the Meyer hatchery “rare assorted varieties” they list “Varieties may include Pansy Fee, Egyptian Fee, Red Pearl, Pearl, Snowie, Scarlet Fee, Grau Fee, German Pastel, Schofield Silver, Panda, Pansy, and Sparkly.” so honestly there’s too many for me to narrow it down
Does roux effect snowy? Could it turn the whole bird reddish?
It could if there was only one copy of the snowy gene present, the snowy gene is ressessive, so you would need two copies of the snowy gene to get snowy out of roux x other words the roux would have to have 1 copy of the snowy gene, it phenotypically would be roux but geneotypically would be roux/snowy.

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