More MicešŸ˜­

I fought mice for years, mostly due to the spilled grain the chickens left around. Just this year----why did no one tell me before???----a friend told me to mix baking soda and peanut butter 1:1 ratio and leave where the mice have been seen. It's supposed to expand in their digestive tract and kill them but not harm the other creatures that might get in it.

Has anyone else tried this? I put it everywhere about a month ago, and no more nests beneath the feed bowls.
Wow interesting! Thanks for the tipšŸ˜
Hey all I really need your help! So I keep all of my animal feed and hay in my shed. I've seen mice in there before eating my grain so I set out the old-fashioned Victor mouse traps. So far I have caught 6 but they keep persisting. I'm so on edge everytime I go in there that 1 is going to jump out at me I hate going in there now! I know it sounds dumbšŸ˜‚. So my question is, is there anything other than traps I can do? Like any sort of trick?? Kind of like how you can hang a plastic bag or CD out to deter birds???? I really need help it's getting super annoying. Thank you all in advance!
2 comments. 1 mice usually come in a family of 8.

Tractor Supply sells mouse poison that works very well. It comes in a bucket and is green. it is by Tomcat and called Bait xxx, can't remember the name. mice, rats and squirrels are gone

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