most beautiful silkie Cochin cross


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 22, 2013



These three I have do resemble silkies more than Cochin in my opinion except for the texture of the feathers. I have an unrelated female bearded Silkie. ... they definitely take on a lot of the sstature and walk like she does. The male I have is a non bearded Silkie and they look nothing like him. ask for the combs they do not have the walnut formation at this point. But they're only a few months old I don't know how much bigger they will get. And they all three have 5 toes. Temperament is very laid back in comparison with the other 6 chicks that were hatched about the same time. All full-size breeds. They scatter and the cochin Silkies just hangout...great temperament. I am new to the Bantams ....the kid that breeds the Silkies and the Cochin (where I got these from) said they are his two favorite breeds. I see why. Perfect little package.
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If they don't develop walnut combs, I would consider that a blessing. Can't understand why silkie"founders," or ??? thought a walnut comb would look good on such an otherwise gorgeous bird. Walnut combs always make me want to :sick.

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