Moving chicks to coop


Mar 21, 2025

Yesterday I tried to move my 4 one week old chicks from the brooder to the coop, as our brooder is getting a bit cramped. I read up on all the articles and posts about brooding chicks outside from the get-go, and ensured there were no drafts, etc. Once I had them set up, I checked on them somewhat obsessively and almost never saw them eating or drinking, unless I opened up the whole coop door and startled them. Otherwise, they were sitting under the brooder plate. They were not making their loud distress calls, but I was scared they would be too cold to come out for food and water, so I panicked and brought them back inside. Once I try again, are there any things I should watch for as far as signs they are unhappy? If they are quiet, should I just trust and they are capable of coming out for food and water as needed? Was their staying under the plate just a sign that they were just getting adjusted to the weird new environment? Thanks in advance for any advice!
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How big is the coop space?

They probably were scoping out their new surroundings while under the "safety" of their brooder plate.
If the coop is really large inside, then for 1 week old chicks, you may need to make a temporary corral out of cardboard so they feel a bit more secure, once a few weeks old, you can expand the corral or start dismantling it, opening up the space.

I would spend a bit of time with them several times a day. Don't force anything like coming out from under the brooder, but fiddle with the water and feed, talk to them, etc. Once they are bit more comfortable moving about they should go to food/water just fine and begin to explore.

You mention that you would startle them when opening the door. Try announcing yourself so they don't fright so badly. Just start talking to them before you get to the coop, they will learn quickly that it's you and your arrival likely means the door will open. They may even look forward to it.
I can't even open the backdoor of the house without mine carrying on like maniacs, they think some kind of treat may be coming their way.

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