Muscovy Eggs not externally pipping after 24 to 48 hrs


Mar 7, 2023
14 eggs, all alive Their mom was killed and i took them inside. I have zero knowledge, other than what I've been reading on line for the last couple of days. I do know today is day 35 for them. Their mom laid them right under my window, she was a neighborhood duck. I do not have an incubator, but they are under a heat lamp with a humidifier. Heat is currently 99 and humidity is around 70%. Now most have internally pipped, a couple of them have been for 3 days now. I can hear them chirping and chipping away at the shell but i can't see any signs of an external pip. Most of these eggs had damage marks on them already from the racoons that tried to get them (mom fought them off but died doing so, but they didn't get the eggs) Now i had some people tell me to make a small hole for them after 24 hrs and i did. That was terrifying and honestly i don't want to do that again unless i have to. I saw other threads on here that said Muscovy Ducks can internally pip and not externally pip for up to 3 days, others have said they only have 24 hrs to externally pip before running out of air. I have crammed so much info into my brain but a lot of it contradicts the other. I just really need someone who has a lot of experience with Muscovy duck eggs to help me out please.
If the true temp is only 99 then it may take more time with the lower temp and throw your days off. Your biggest problem unfortunately could be shrink wrapped ducklings as you made holes in the shell when the ducklings weren’t ready to pip. You’re going to have to keep an eye on them. They need time to absorb their yolk before leaving the egg. Hearing chicks/ducklings inside the shell is normal but they need to be the ones to determine when to get out.
If the true temp is only 99 then it may take more time with the lower temp and throw your days off. Your biggest problem unfortunately could be shrink wrapped ducklings as you made holes in the shell when the ducklings weren’t ready to pip. You’re going to have to keep an eye on them. They need time to absorb their yolk before leaving the egg. Hearing chicks/ducklings inside the shell is normal but they need to be the ones to determine when to get out.
Thank you. So in your experience, how long can they live after internally pipping before externally pipping? Just about everything i have read said 24 hrs. The Muscovy Duck group i joined advised me to make the tiny hole so they don't suffocate. Was that wrong to do? I don't want to do that again especially if it's not necessary, however I will to save them. At what point do you deem necessary to step in?

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