My 10 week old Austrawhite is a beauty!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 19, 2009
Everytime I get new chicks I like to get different varieties. I got one Austrawhite chick not knowing what they look like. She is one of my favorites!


I got her from my local feed store. This si what I found online from Dunlap Hatchery.
"Austra Whites are a cross between a Black Australorp and a White leghorn. They are a breed that was developed by Dunlap hatchery in the early 1900's. They are an excellent layer of off white eggs. They are a heavier bird and a lot less flighty then a straight leghorn."

So far she is not flighty. She is one of the braver chicks. She likes to fly up on things more so than the other chicks. Austra Whites have a black feather here or there and she has 2 that are hard to see. Her name is Princess Aurora. All my girls this time around have Disney names.

Thanks for the run-down! If you don't learn something new every day on this site, you aren't tryin' hard enough is all I can say... One more time, She IS a beauty!

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