In December, I hatched out some BSL chicks. Here are the two BSL pullets I have.
This is the pullet my SIL has taken to calling Redhead because she is exactly that. She is bigger than all her 3 brothers. The rooster used to breed her was a New Hampshire and I think her mother was my Dom/RIR or one of my Dom/Buffs. I'm leaning more towards the Dom/Buff because the feathering on her chest fades from red to Buff.
I love the lacing in her feathers.
Such a pretty girl.
This is tiny. She is about half the size of her sister. They have the same Roo for a sire, but I believe her mother was pure Dominique. She has some pretty lacing, but not as much of it.
This is the pullet my SIL has taken to calling Redhead because she is exactly that. She is bigger than all her 3 brothers. The rooster used to breed her was a New Hampshire and I think her mother was my Dom/RIR or one of my Dom/Buffs. I'm leaning more towards the Dom/Buff because the feathering on her chest fades from red to Buff.
I love the lacing in her feathers.
Such a pretty girl.
This is tiny. She is about half the size of her sister. They have the same Roo for a sire, but I believe her mother was pure Dominique. She has some pretty lacing, but not as much of it.