My 11week chicks are roosters, now what?


Aug 9, 2023
We hatched a chicken from my favorite hen and had a friend give us a silkie brahma of the same age. They are now 11weeks old and were taking turns crowing this morning! My Gigi sounds like a whopie cushion btw, lol
I had planned on assimilating them into my flock of 13plus rooster soon. Any tips? I am worried about my little black silkie- Phyllis/Phil?- she is so tiny!
Phillis- lil silkie and Gigi blue eyed
Our rooster, Lil Peep- is big


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Oh my gosh this is my Phyllis! ❤️

Any tips? I am worried about my little black silkie- Phyllis/Phil?- she is so tiny!
I would keep an eye on her once you introduce her to the other chickens, especially around Lil' Peep. Also keep an eye on Lil' Peep around the other roos. Because they will eventually start fighting and doing damage. It's nifty to have some Hen Healer around just in case, though, and some hydrogen peroxide spray (you can get it at Dollar Tree.) Because if a rooster slashes another rooster with his claw/beak, it will allow bacteria inside, so that's why if that happens, you should spray some hydrogen peroxide on it immediately.
They don't call it cock fighting for nothing. IMO these are the possibilities:
  • a slight chance that they all just love each other - very slight
  • The old rooster, whoops some a55, and these remain on the fringes of the flock.
  • terrible fighting a large amount of time.
A lot depends on your set up, how much space you have. More space the better.

A lot of people who have full size bird can mix them with bantams, but a lot of people say it just doesn't work.

Mrs K
Oh my gosh this is my Phyllis! ❤️ View attachment 3842365

I would keep an eye on her once you introduce her to the other chickens, especially around Lil' Peep. Also keep an eye on Lil' Peep around the other roos. Because they will eventually start fighting and doing damage. It's nifty to have some Hen Healer around just in case, though, and some hydrogen peroxide spray (you can get it at Dollar Tree.) Because if a rooster slashes another rooster with his claw/beak, it will allow bacteria inside, so that's why if that happens, you should spray some hydrogen peroxide on it immediately.

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