My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. Any advice is appreciated.


In the Brooder
Sep 7, 2023
My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. One of my blue marans and both of my Ideal 236 ( mix of brown and white leghorn, ancona, and california grey) have been pulling beard, neck and head feathers out of my EEs. this has been going on for several months but it have increased and worsened recently most likely due to the heat and stress from it. I have tried purple no peck, hen healer ointment but they dont stay on very long. I cant cover it because it is on their necks and heads. I spray Vetricyn on it at night. Isolation and pinless peepers are a no go in this heat. Any advice and help is much appreciated. Thank You. EDIT >>They are on 20% protien layer feed. They get BSL, sunflower seeds, cracked corn and oat scratch grain mix every other day. the scratch and layer feed is from a good local feed mill. They have a big pen. All are hens, 10 in total, and a little over a year old.
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They are on 20% protien layer feed. They get BSL, sunflower seeds, cracked corn and oat scratch grain mix every other day. the scratch and layer feed is from a good local feed mill. They have a big pen. All are hens, 10 in total, and a little over a year old.
Cut back on the treats to once or twice a week.
I'd seperate the marans fir a few days, see if thst knock her down a peg. Also roost dividers might help.

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