My Baby Chicks are hatching!

lucky cluck 6

In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 5, 2013
Two of my Australorp eggs hatched today, along with 3 little Wyandottes! this is the 20th day they've been incubating, so the big Whopper is coming this tomorrow! I'm very exited, six are under my broody hen, and the others are in the incubators!-Happy Easter

my broody hen is Lola, a white Leghorn.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on your successful hatch so far! Hope the rest make it out safely!

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the babies!!! Oh, and Lola is just gorgeous!!

If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Hi and :welcome

I hope your hatch continues to go well! That's a nice looking broody you have too.

Enjoy the site :D
Almost all the eggs Hatched though a couple didn't make it... One got pecked on the head by my on other hen, and the skin got ripped off it's head, Lola wouldn't let me touch her injured chick, and that night she didn't welcome it to her breast, and the morning I found it not under her, and it had passed.
The other I brought with a group of the others from the Incubator (this time leaving the hen who attacked the other chick elsewhere.) And Lola (my Leghorn) when I left to go inside, but only once it seemed she was okay with the presence of the other chicks, and sure enough once I left she stuck one of the small chicks eyes. I rushed outside when I heard a horrible shrieking Cheep, and once I did she had already killed it
But on good side only about 6 Eggs didn't hatch, and there was about 40! well there grown up now, and I truly enjoyed raising them

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