My baby chicks are so scared of me

I think any game bird takes a LOT of time and patience. And treats! They won't want to hang out just to hang out in the beginning.
Ohhh yes game birds will probably be skittish at first and yes, you are right, they will take a lot of time and patience. The more you hold them the nicer they will become in my experience 🙂 When I raised a batch of chicks earlier in the year, I snuggled them so much and I always held them close to my face so that they would get used to me...Every single one of them turned out sooo sweet and they even run and greet their new owners.
My baby chicks are so scared of me. When I put my hand near them they start jumping everywhere, is this normal or am I doing something wrong?
They’ll run away from your hand, as they see it as a threat. That’s completely normal for them, and doesn’t mean that you’re doing anything wrong. If their afraid even after they know their safe, just spend more time with them, and have patience with each one, they’ll quickly warm up to you. I have 2 chicks I hatched this year, and I spent a majority of my free time with them, and they’re the friendliest little guys. Definitely pays off.

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