hi everyone from crazy weather, sunny Milton, Florida. Northwest panhandle. My story is a long one, but it has good info on a crazy chicken injury and how to fix it. So I hope you read to the end.
I had always wanted a chicken growing up. When i was like 13 years old we went to pondarosa farm in Wisconsin. I talked my baby sister, who was around five at the time. To hide a baby chick in her jacket pocket so we could take it home to Minnesota. My sister obliged. However, half way home my dad heard the cheeps. And we were caught. Luckily her never knew it was my idea lol. Now fast forward several decades later. I'm the momma of now 26 chickens. But this is the story of one particular one and the announcement of her new siblings. And the sometimes unexpected chaos that comes when raising chickens!
Chicken Tenders life didn't start out as a story book life lol it was more like a Chicken Soap Opera!! She can out A mostly all black chick with a couple of splashes of white, yellowish orange legs with back like strippes across her legs. Which was very odd because well the two pullets that live in that coop were 99% white. And who i thought was daddy, was a white EE with a green and blue tail. After I posted the announcement in my Many chicken groups on Facebook. And how odd it was they had a black chick. I was asked if any other roos had accesses to my girls in the last 30 days. I said yes, two. Turns out chickens hold sperm for up to 30 days!! What the CLUCK?!?? Now we have up to five different possible parents. My white leghorn mix Ursla Seashell, the hatcher My light Sussex mix Icicle Frost, and one of the following three roos #1 Elvis my BarredRock. #2 Friday Wednesday my EE mix roo, or #3 Trouble Maker Pain In My Butt my Ayam Cemani mix. Well now 3 months later we know it was Icicle Frost and Trouble Maker. At A month and a half old we had another hurdle. We got A crazy cold snap in march!! So my fiance went out to check on Tender, because it was cold. She was with her "parents" in the coop. Soon after he went out he came back in with Tender. And I asked if it was to cold for her outside. He said no we have a problem. He showed me the baby in his hands. Where I saw blood and her crop looking pushed upwards. I freaked out immediately! He had surmised that mommy had got on the perch in the coop, that's pretty high up, and baby tried to fly up there and landed on a chink from the chain link fence that separated our coops(we have seven attached coops) We cleaned up her boo boo, and she appeared fine. Not upset or crying or anything. She immediately went to eating when we put her in our room in a parrot cage to keep an eye on her. Three days later after we tried bandaging, wrapping and guasing up the boo boo, to no success. My fiance is staring hard in the cage at tender drinking water. I asked him what is he doing. He replied we have a BIGGER problem. My stomach dropped. I hesitantly asked what is this "BIGGER" PROBLEM?!? Starting To Shake a little. He said I thought I was wrong yesterday, but today I see I Was right! That hole goes all the way THROUGH to her stomach, and everything she eats or drinks is falling right back out, and she then re eats what fell to her chest only for it to fall out again. That's it, I'm in mental breakdown mode, crying asking what are we going to do?! I decide immediately to get on my many chicken fb groups and beg for help, as its 11 pm at night no way to get to a vet. And its now been THREE DAYS!!! Luckily for me ppl are very quick to response to a chicken emergency. A lady told me something similar happened to her baby chick at around the same age. She said back in the old days, the military would use Super Glue for deep cuts on the field. So she tired it on her chick. And she healed up and is still alive. So my fiance went straight to the gas station down the road and got the super glue. We again cleaned her cut, and i very carefully held the hole closed as my fiance put the glue on. We then put liquid band aid over it, just to be on the safe side. I blew on it to get it to dry. Once it did. I put her back in the cage, and she ran straight to food and water. And to our delight, NOTHING came out!! It has been A month and a half since that horrible night. She has completely healed with no lasting scars or missing feathers. We still have her inside for now. And she is such a mommas girl. The second i walk in the room she starTs pacing and chirping wanting me to let her out. Once we open her door she flies right to my lap and sits chattering away! Now yesterday her Bird mommy had been sitting on a clutch, and on Sunday I thought i heard chicks, plural. Well I go out to feed them. And mommy is in front of our Chick nick table instead of on her eggs. After I put the food down for them. She stands up, and out runs three of the ittiest bittiest lil black chicks!!! Now this time, unlike last time. We know who mommy and daddy are. Two, which i believe are girls belong to Ursla Seashell my white leghorn and daddy Chicken Pot Pie my Ameracuna Ayam Cemani mix roo. Then the little a attitude one, who I think is deff a boy, belongs to Icicle Frost and Chicken Pot Pie. He has way dark dark black legs like daddy. Where as the two girls have lighter back almost gray legs. The girls are very skittish, however Mr. Attitude isn't scared of me at all. In fact he kept walking to me, which upset his mommy big time. She kept squaking at him every time he walked closer to me. It was rather comical!! I deff believe he is a roo!! So I hope my long winded post will help just one person if their chickens ever impale themselves they have the trusty Super Glue in their emergency kit. Last thing. Chicken Tenders full name is Chicken Tender Nike. I named her that because The Nike company used that name, after a Greek Goddess Nike, her name meaning victor or victory. And Nike would go down after a battle and award the winners flowers. Because they had victory. So since Tender had victory over impending death, I felt the name suited her well. Thank you if you read to the end. In the pics you'll see the parents, Tender as a baby, when she got hurt and now. And her three younger siblings. The boy is the one I have by himself. And in the pics of the mom sitting if you look to the right you can see the lighter colored legs of one of the girls hiding under mommy's wing.
I had always wanted a chicken growing up. When i was like 13 years old we went to pondarosa farm in Wisconsin. I talked my baby sister, who was around five at the time. To hide a baby chick in her jacket pocket so we could take it home to Minnesota. My sister obliged. However, half way home my dad heard the cheeps. And we were caught. Luckily her never knew it was my idea lol. Now fast forward several decades later. I'm the momma of now 26 chickens. But this is the story of one particular one and the announcement of her new siblings. And the sometimes unexpected chaos that comes when raising chickens!
Chicken Tenders life didn't start out as a story book life lol it was more like a Chicken Soap Opera!! She can out A mostly all black chick with a couple of splashes of white, yellowish orange legs with back like strippes across her legs. Which was very odd because well the two pullets that live in that coop were 99% white. And who i thought was daddy, was a white EE with a green and blue tail. After I posted the announcement in my Many chicken groups on Facebook. And how odd it was they had a black chick. I was asked if any other roos had accesses to my girls in the last 30 days. I said yes, two. Turns out chickens hold sperm for up to 30 days!! What the CLUCK?!?? Now we have up to five different possible parents. My white leghorn mix Ursla Seashell, the hatcher My light Sussex mix Icicle Frost, and one of the following three roos #1 Elvis my BarredRock. #2 Friday Wednesday my EE mix roo, or #3 Trouble Maker Pain In My Butt my Ayam Cemani mix. Well now 3 months later we know it was Icicle Frost and Trouble Maker. At A month and a half old we had another hurdle. We got A crazy cold snap in march!! So my fiance went out to check on Tender, because it was cold. She was with her "parents" in the coop. Soon after he went out he came back in with Tender. And I asked if it was to cold for her outside. He said no we have a problem. He showed me the baby in his hands. Where I saw blood and her crop looking pushed upwards. I freaked out immediately! He had surmised that mommy had got on the perch in the coop, that's pretty high up, and baby tried to fly up there and landed on a chink from the chain link fence that separated our coops(we have seven attached coops) We cleaned up her boo boo, and she appeared fine. Not upset or crying or anything. She immediately went to eating when we put her in our room in a parrot cage to keep an eye on her. Three days later after we tried bandaging, wrapping and guasing up the boo boo, to no success. My fiance is staring hard in the cage at tender drinking water. I asked him what is he doing. He replied we have a BIGGER problem. My stomach dropped. I hesitantly asked what is this "BIGGER" PROBLEM?!? Starting To Shake a little. He said I thought I was wrong yesterday, but today I see I Was right! That hole goes all the way THROUGH to her stomach, and everything she eats or drinks is falling right back out, and she then re eats what fell to her chest only for it to fall out again. That's it, I'm in mental breakdown mode, crying asking what are we going to do?! I decide immediately to get on my many chicken fb groups and beg for help, as its 11 pm at night no way to get to a vet. And its now been THREE DAYS!!! Luckily for me ppl are very quick to response to a chicken emergency. A lady told me something similar happened to her baby chick at around the same age. She said back in the old days, the military would use Super Glue for deep cuts on the field. So she tired it on her chick. And she healed up and is still alive. So my fiance went straight to the gas station down the road and got the super glue. We again cleaned her cut, and i very carefully held the hole closed as my fiance put the glue on. We then put liquid band aid over it, just to be on the safe side. I blew on it to get it to dry. Once it did. I put her back in the cage, and she ran straight to food and water. And to our delight, NOTHING came out!! It has been A month and a half since that horrible night. She has completely healed with no lasting scars or missing feathers. We still have her inside for now. And she is such a mommas girl. The second i walk in the room she starTs pacing and chirping wanting me to let her out. Once we open her door she flies right to my lap and sits chattering away! Now yesterday her Bird mommy had been sitting on a clutch, and on Sunday I thought i heard chicks, plural. Well I go out to feed them. And mommy is in front of our Chick nick table instead of on her eggs. After I put the food down for them. She stands up, and out runs three of the ittiest bittiest lil black chicks!!! Now this time, unlike last time. We know who mommy and daddy are. Two, which i believe are girls belong to Ursla Seashell my white leghorn and daddy Chicken Pot Pie my Ameracuna Ayam Cemani mix roo. Then the little a attitude one, who I think is deff a boy, belongs to Icicle Frost and Chicken Pot Pie. He has way dark dark black legs like daddy. Where as the two girls have lighter back almost gray legs. The girls are very skittish, however Mr. Attitude isn't scared of me at all. In fact he kept walking to me, which upset his mommy big time. She kept squaking at him every time he walked closer to me. It was rather comical!! I deff believe he is a roo!! So I hope my long winded post will help just one person if their chickens ever impale themselves they have the trusty Super Glue in their emergency kit. Last thing. Chicken Tenders full name is Chicken Tender Nike. I named her that because The Nike company used that name, after a Greek Goddess Nike, her name meaning victor or victory. And Nike would go down after a battle and award the winners flowers. Because they had victory. So since Tender had victory over impending death, I felt the name suited her well. Thank you if you read to the end. In the pics you'll see the parents, Tender as a baby, when she got hurt and now. And her three younger siblings. The boy is the one I have by himself. And in the pics of the mom sitting if you look to the right you can see the lighter colored legs of one of the girls hiding under mommy's wing.
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