My chicken's eye is swollen and she is lethargic...

I wonder if they feel cold. I realized that my chickens preferred diagonal perches and liked to be near corners (between 2 walls).
We took her to the vet and she said that it could be an upper respiratory infection or just an eye infection. We couldn't really afford the $155 for the x-ray and she has not had any respiratory symptoms, so we elected to forgo the x-ray and get the antibiotics and mobic and eye salve. It's going on 4 days and we see little improvement. Her eye does now open part way, whereas it was not opening at all before...but she is really mopy and lethargic still. Though we have to chase her down to give her meds and she shows up with bells on at treat time! Help? What am I doing wrong/right?
Ok, so Ms. Pickles still! has an eye infection and the vet says she might have to surgically remove it. 😞 She is permanently blind now in that eye. We have faithfully given her all of her doses of medication even though she squawks and kicks. The other chickens peck us when we are giving Pickles meds. I guess they are trying to protect her. They are a pretty tight little group! However, now I have a permanent chunk taken out of my pretty tattooed sleeve on my arm thanks to Ms. Golda. We are working with them on their pecking issues.

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