My Cornish X Pics

what did I do

10 Years
Apr 10, 2012

3.5 weeks old and 1.5 to 2 pounds. There are about 50 of them and they eat about a 5 gallon bucket of our home ground feed a day.

I have them in a dog kennel in a big shed.

My dog likes to watch the chicks while I care for them.
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I am right behind you at 3 weeks yesterday. Mine are about the same size as yours. I only have 20 of them and I am halfway through my second 50 lb bag already. Their faces are certainly better looking than the back side!
We weighed two again today. We are at 2 to 2.5 pounds. Husband added corn and barely to their feed.

We feed :
yellow peas

All mixed together

We bought a bag ot game bird feed and still have a little chick started so we are feeding that.
2 1/2 to 3 pounds. I don't see them eating all that much any more and they are still eating about the same amount of food. Our feed may be settling so it only seems like they aren't eating much. They have feathered out nicely.
We processed two birds today. They were small but one wasn't eating for some unknown reason, maybe she tore something in her leg, so we processed her and another bird. I have them in the fridge now. Is there any trick to getting rid of the last few pin feathers? I cut the wing tips off so those are gone. It is just a little feather here and there.
I went on a vacation leaving the birds in hubby's charge and 2 others cared for them while he was gone. All the birds were alive but the CX were dirty. They became free range as soon as I saw how dirty they were. I got them cleaned up and then we processed 6 of them. They were all healthy, it is just time to start freezing them. I didn't get a weight on them.

The CX have feathered well. They all walk well. We noticed they had bigger hearts than the ones we did last year. The lungs still seemed small though. Over all we are happy with these. One of the roosters crowed yesterday! It was the first crow on this place in many years. :yiipchick it was my first rooster to crow ever.

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