- Jun 18, 2013
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Sorry for the late post!
This is my pigeon "Chulo",,. meaning (cute), I was told by my friend.
Fiesty, pecks alot, and very pretty. I would call his/her color ash, or a reduced ash bar, I guess. His/her head is lavender color.
Chulo likes to strut and bow, but when i try to get her out of her pet crate, she really goes to town on my hand, bites, chews...but when i place it under him/her, her biting is less severe. Chulo is coming out of his shell, but I hope he gets a bit more affectionate, but i am told he is a Pica, and they are rough with their hens, and in general pretty gregerous birds.
If any members here have any, feel free to share. My boyfriend got her for me. I still am not sure if he/she is a cock or hen. She has a hen face...so she may be a hen, who knows, Lol!
I have not been posting much as I work 1 p to 130 am at a hospital in Kendall, which is way west Miami, almost close to Homestead.
I am originally from Louisiana, and needed a change. I moved to Key West, thanks to a friends advice, met myboyfriend and now a Miami Resident. I have been living in Florida for a little over 3 yrs.
I wish I had moved here earlier. I love my job, as I work as an emergency nurse. Plan to go back to school for my Masters one day, either be a diabetic educator, case manager, or possibly life coach....which is what I really like to do....coach my patients, and their families on better ways to live, stress management, etc, while I take care of them, in various situations that present to the emergency room.
Do not go to the beach much, as I do work alot but love to when I can.
I also have a very old cat i rescued, 14 yrs old. and also one that was dumped in my complex, a 5-6yr old Tortishell himilayan cat that i had groomed as when i found here she was pitiful, matted, dirty and hungry.
I am still looking for a home for her as she does not get along too well with my older cat and I don't have the heart to take her to the shelter. Believe it or not, there is a Cat Network, here is overwhelmed with rescues. that is unable to help me find a home for her...so if any of you members know of someone.
Of course I have my Chihuahua, Coco, a longhaired chocolate love of my life.
So that is about it, the story of me and my 3- now 4 animal kids.
My uncle had a farm when I was young, that I loved to visit in East Texas. Those were fond memories of staying with my Nanny, waking up to the smelll of coffee, buscuits, eggs, gravy and hearing the cluck, cluck of the chickens around the house.....and the mooing of the cows in the pasture as they would come up to feed.
I love the city......but Im a country girl at heart, and will return one day hopefully to a little house in the country with all my critters!....LoL!
If I am not visiting much it is because of the spanish online learning, nursing education. , and also an injury to my calf which I am seeing an orthopedic MD for physical therapy.
Well, thats my story....
If anybody knows of a good crate, cage set up as I live an an apartment, (which is not ideal really for a pigeon)...let me know.
Sincerely yours