My daughter caught a kitten, now what do I do?

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So Kevin is indeed a boy, about 8 weeks old, was given dewormer, first shots, and a flea treatment. Otherwise vet says he looks good and was even impressed with how friendly and laid back he was.
I really can’t have (dogs and allergies-(and don’t want)) an indoor cat. My head says he probably has been outside his entire life and will be fine, my heart says I can’t leave a baby this young outside by itself to try and stay warm in the freezing cold. Plus I really don’t want him to run away immediately if we put him out there.
I guess his home will be locked in the bathroom for now till I decide what to do.
If you give him shelter and food he will use it and consider your property his home.
You have done much more than many would in getting him to the vet for vaccinations. Has an appointment been scheduled for neutering?
I highly recommend teaching him that he will be fed at certain times of day. Morning and evening.
That way you’re not leaving food out all the time which can attract more cats not to mention other animals (raccoons, opossum, etc) that might prey on your chickens.
He has a thick fur coat to keep him warm.
As long as you provide a sheltered space for him out of the wind and weather he will be fine.
Thank you for giving him a home! :love
He will absolutely be fixed at the appropriate time! Way too tiny right now, he’s so small and skinny under all the fur that the vet “missed” his shot the first time. (The needle went all the way through the skin and out the other side) ha ha! We already have his next shot appointment set up, and the info about fixing. He is such a love bug and purrs nonstop. Shoulders are his favorite hang out spot too.
Thanks everyone!
Good save!
The survival rate for outdoor kittens is very poor (10%) as I recall. He'll do much better indoors if at all possible, or at least in a barn tack room or something as a safe space. Poor little guy! To be that social, somebody dumped him rather than that he's a wild child.
I'm also allergic, and manage just fine, loving the cats at arm's length, and not in the bed. Your dogs are trickier though.
Yeah, i’m Mildly allergic to the dogs too, so I know to wash my hands immediately after touching and not to get too close to my face. Also my allergies to the dogs have improved with time and continued exposure so we’ll see?
Do you have a local Humane Society? Kittens are usually adopted here pretty quickly. So if you think an inside home would be the best place for him then that might be a good option.

If you are set on keeping him and him not getting injured you might have to work with your dogs.

Our dogs are fine with our indoor cats but the outdoor cat that adopted us when we moved here is a different story. Luckily he is happy with making his home everywhere outside that doesn’t belong to the dogs. We bought him a little insulated house that has a heating pad to keep him warm. It stays on our front porch along with his heated water bowl and his food bowl.
I'm allergic too, but the kitten me and Dad rescued din't give me a reaction til it was much older. Maybe u could hope for the best and hope it's the same for u? However, he's much fluffier than my kitten was :) Very cute tho.

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