My duck doesn't know how to swim 😂


5 Years
Jul 2, 2019
I really thought she would grow out of it but apparently not! My Welsh Duck, Beez who I got in June has this habit of flipping her self over when she is in the Tub/pool and is bathing. It's like she puts a bit too much oomf into dipping her head down and under and then her back end just comes up and keeps going (like if you were trying to do a hand stand but put too much force into kicking your legs up). Quite hilarious as she rightens her self easily enough and it is the only time she flips over so I'm not worried about it being some sort of condition.
She was even doing this on our smaller kiddy pool that's not even deep enough for them to float in! None of the other ducks I've had have done this (I initially was very concerned) I think that she's just really excited and energetic when she's in water is all (and in general) - I named her Bumblebee for a reason after all!

I might try to attach/link the video I got of this since it's so silly.

Just curious if anyone else has had a duck that did this? Did they eventually grow out of it?
It's the largest kiddy pool I have seen I will have to measure. Close to 5’ wide 1’ deep image.jpg
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