My duck twisted her leg! Help

lovemy mallards

Dec 30, 2015
My duck stepped in a hole today I don't think she broke anything but she is limping what can I put on it to help it feel better and heal. I have poultry +aid spray don't know if that will help it's not a cut.. please any advice will be appreciated
this is my sweet girl pika and her mate waddles.
My duck stepped in a hole today I don't think she broke anything but she is limping what can I put on it to help it feel better and heal. I have poultry +aid spray don't know if that will help it's not a cut.. please any advice will be appreciated this is my sweet girl pika and her mate waddles.
@lovemy mallards if you have some Epsom salt. you can soak or make wraps for her leg. ES takes down swelling and helps with sprains. Use half cup ES to a half gal of warm water or take half tea ES and mix into a cup of warm water ring out the soft wash cloth and wrap around her leg till the cloth starts getting cool. or stand her in a bucket both legs [just easier] and hold on to her so she doesn't jump out you can soak or wrap many times a day too Keep her from using her leg much while she recovers. Sweet looking babies
@lovemy mallards
   if you have some Epsom salt. you can soak or make wraps for her leg. ES takes down swelling and helps with sprains.  Use half cup ES to a  half gal of warm water or take half tea ES and mix into a cup of warm water ring out the soft wash cloth and wrap around her leg till the cloth starts getting cool. or stand her in a bucket both legs [just easier] and hold on to her so she doesn't jump out you can soak or wrap many times a day too Keep her from using her leg much while she recovers.  Sweet looking babies
thank you so much I seen her step in a hole last night and she was limping it's been 24 hours no swelling and she seems to be ok. Fingers crossed. Will do anything for them...
Yes, sounds like it could be a sprain. Rest, water therapy, and as Miss Lydia suggested ES soak, can all benefit your duck.

Hope she is back to herself in a couple of days.

Good luck & enjoy your ducks.

Call ducks in: Apricot Silver, Aztec Blue, Black, Blue, Blue Fawn, Buff, Butterscotch, Chocolate, Grey, Khaki, Pastel, Snowy, Silver & White.
Black East Indies, Miniature Silver Appleyards, Mallards and Silver Mallards.

Silkies: Black, Blue, Buff, Grey, Partridge & White
Bantam Cochins & Frizzles: Black, Blue, Silver, Mottled-Black & Blue, Millie Fluer (Calico) and White.
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