My favorite chicken died to a cat

Gigachad poultry

Rest in peace Eda ~ 2018-2024
Dec 24, 2022
Vicenza IT
He everyone, I'm really really really sad right now, because I lost my favorite hen this morning. Her name was Fluff bum and she loved eating out of my hands and her wormos (mealworms). I woke up this morning around 10:30 am and saw a bunch of feathers in the field and thought. "Oh no was there a hawk or did one of the younger roosters fight to main roo" but no I did my head count and there was everyone, but Fluffbum was no where to be seen. So I panicked and ran over to the feather pile and followed in through the field, through the forest and up the mountain and to the edge of my property. I believe it was a cat, more specifically this one black cat I normally see around the border of the chicken yard. Also while following the trail of feathers o found a rusty hole in the fence! And the feathers went up the mountain. I could tell Fluffbum put up a fight, because I saw some black cat hair too and the trail was a confusing zig zag showing she wouldn't go down without a fight. I'm so sad she's gone. I literally saw her trying to brood as she was sitting on about 4 eggs and had a big brood patch. I don't know what to do with the eggs? I'm soooo incredibly sad right now and I'm making a plan to catch and dispatch the cat. It has also tried to break into my aviary to get to my birds and quail so I hate that cat with all my soul. My dog almost killed that cat one time and broke one of it's legs and it healed fine. It also gets feed three times a day by a family down the street from my house. That means this cat killed it for sport not for food. When I catch the cat I will humanly dispatch the cat as although the cat did show no mercy I will humanly dispatch it as killing it nonhumanly would make me no better than the cat showing Fluffbum no mercy and giving her a slow painful death. What do you guys think should I kill it slowly or painfully, is that the right thing to do?

These are some photos to remember her by:
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. Cats do kill for sport and are solely responsible for making a number of species extinct. After losing so many chickens to the neighbors cat i've come to hate cats. If you catch it make sure to give it a quick death. I know your hurting and may feel like it doesn't deserve a quick death but it does. I wish people would keep their cats inside or on a leash the same way dogs have too.
I’m so very sorry for the loss of your Fluffbum gal. I’m new to the community here but as a lover of both chickens and cats, please treat the cat kindly. It doesn’t know those are your beloved pets, it only knows instinct. It’s so hard to have compassion or empathy for an animal who has caused you such great heartache, but that is what makes us human and different from other animals. Away from your flock is all that cat needs to be. Sending you so much peace and comfort. <3
I’m so very sorry for the loss of your Fluffbum gal. I’m new to the community here but as a lover of both chickens and cats, please treat the cat kindly. It doesn’t know those are your beloved pets, it only knows instinct. It’s so hard to have compassion or empathy for an animal who has caused you such great heartache, but that is what makes us human and different from other animals. Away from your flock is all that cat needs to be. Sending you so much peace and comfort. <3
Thanks so much for the confort. I will try to dispatch it as humanly as possible also my other neighbor has almost lost all of there polish hens and all there new chicks to that cat and they are setting traps for it. We are both feeling lose and we have both come to the agreement that once a cat kills one chicken it will keep doing it. Also they found it's stash up the mountain and they gave me Fluffbum in some newspaper to allow her to be buried. Now she can rest in true peace. Also a very warm welcome to BYC from Northern Italy. Also Fuffbum was never bit on the neck just her wings, legs and chest with lots of missing feathers.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. Cats do kill for sport and are solely responsible for making a number of species extinct. After losing so many chickens to the neighbors cat i've come to hate cats. If you catch it make sure to give it a quick death. I know your hurting and may feel like it doesn't deserve a quick death but it does. I wish people would keep their cats inside or on a leash the same way dogs have too.
I agree, and like I said. My neighbors also lost over 20 chickens and all there chicks and two broody hens with their chicks. We are both trying to catch the cat and I'm going to give it a quick death. It can deal with the pain it will fell in H E double hockey sticks. The pain of loosing any animal hurts more than any other kind of pain. It stabs harder than any knife and cuts deeper than any dager. All I feel is guilt right now because I accidentally left the door open and Fluffbum has no sense of "I should wait for the flock" and I think she left the coop early and got ambushed.
UPDATE!!! I saw the same cat back trying to get back in the coop. I didn't know what to do and I probably shouldn't have done this but while trying to get the cat to leave and it now I shouldn't have, but I threw a rock at it. I feel bad for the cat, but at the same time it was more like a piece of gravel and the cat was completely fine. My dog also chased the cat back up the mountain. However he didn't catch it. I'm so sad and confused on what to do other than set some traps and try not to get to sad when I look at the eggs she was brooding.
UPDATE!!! I saw the same cat back trying to get back in the coop. I didn't know what to do and I probably shouldn't have done this but while trying to get the cat to leave and it now I shouldn't have, but I threw a rock at it. I feel bad for the cat, but at the same time it was more like a piece of gravel and the cat was completely fine. My dog also chased the cat back up the mountain. However he didn't catch it. I'm so sad and confused on what to do other than set some traps and try not to get to sad when I look at the eggs she was brooding.
I'm so sorry!!! Can you set the eggs under another hen?

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