My First Flock!


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2024
Hi all!

I am picking up my first flock of chicks on April 16th! I ordered 10 chicks - see below:

2 x Red Sex Link
2 x Barred Plymouth Rock
1 x Columbian Rock X
1 x Black Sex Link
1 x Noirans
1 x Leghorn
1 x Azure Blue
1 x Olive

All are coming from Frey's Hatcheries. We wanted to do different breeds to learn as much as possible during the process but the more research I am doing the more I am starting to regret my decision on the Leghorn. Also, the Azure Blue and Olive also look very similar to the Leghorn, is their temperament and personality the same?

Key Note: I have 2 young children (4 year old and 3 year old) who will be a big part of this process and are already intimidated by animals - so we were looking for very friendly and docile breed to ease them into it.

Any advice would help!
X2 on the Leghorn. Love them.
They are like having a toddler that can fly. Curious, funny, bad, but can't help to love them.
They are not big on being handled but will eat from you hand.
That's great feedback! Appreciate it. Helps settle my nerves!
Welcome to BYC. Sounds like a wonderful flock.
My flock is a mix of breeds too. I don’t have Leghorns but I have Legbars who have kept some of the traits from their Leghorn ancestors - they are small, curious (nosy) and fly. They are a blast and I love them!
Settle in here and enjoy the community and have fun with your flock!
Understand that breeds have tendencies, but not absolutes when it comes to behavior. Chickens are individuals: some more or less friendly, more or less food-oriented, more or less inquisitive, etc. For example, Buff Orpingtons have a reputation as a very friendly breed, but I've had two that are friendly and one that is much more skittish. You will learn your birds personalities over time.

Some of your chicks will be much much more comfortable being handled and some will want to return to the brooder quickly. Still handle them all as much and as regularly as you can. It will pay off later in their behavior around people.
Understand that breeds have tendencies, but not absolutes when it comes to behavior. Chickens are individuals: some more or less friendly, more or less food-oriented, more or less inquisitive, etc. For example, Buff Orpingtons have a reputation as a very friendly breed, but I've had two that are friendly and one that is much more skittish. You will learn your birds personalities over time.

Some of your chicks will be much much more comfortable being handled and some will want to return to the brooder quickly. Still handle them all as much and as regularly as you can. It will pay off later in their behavior around people.
Thank you! Will keep all these in mind next week!
Understand that breeds have tendencies, but not absolutes when it comes to behavior. Chickens are individuals: some more or less friendly, more or less food-oriented, more or less inquisitive, etc. For example, Buff Orpingtons have a reputation as a very friendly breed, but I've had two that are friendly and one that is much more skittish. You will learn your birds personalities over time.

Some of your chicks will be much much more comfortable being handled and some will want to return to the brooder quickly. Still handle them all as much and as regularly as you can. It will pay off later in their behavior around people.
This makes a lot of sense. Really do appreciate you taking out the time!
I don't have alot of advice since I'm still new to all of this, my chicks are 6 weeks, 5 weeks and 4 weeks old. I have the following chicks

2 Buff Orpingtons
2 Isa Browns (red sex links)
1 speckled sussex
1 silver laced Wyandotte
1 California white (supposed to be but still not 100% sure that's what she is)
1 smokey pearl

Out of all of my chicks, the friendliest is 1 of the Isa Browns (ever since she was Itty bitty she has loved being held and getting attention), the 2nd is one of the Buff Orpingtons, she's feisty and likes to peck but she is pretty sweet and likes to be petted. The most standoffish that don't like attention is the Silver Laced Wyandotte, she just absolutely does not like to be picked up or even touched.

I also have 2 little ones (6 and 4). My 6 year old is scared of animals, all animals, he has been like that his whole life, and I don't know why it's just who he is. It takes him forever to warm up to an animal. At first he was a bit scared of the chicks, but he has warmed up alot to them. His favorite is one of the Orpingtons (not the feisty one).

As someone else said, not all chickens from the same breed have the same personality. My 2 buff orpingtons have completely different personalities, one is a spicy chicken nugget and the other is more calm and laid back, and my 2 isa browns, one is very friendly and loves attention, the other isn't very fond of being held but she isn't aggressive.
Hi all!

I am picking up my first flock of chicks on April 16th! I ordered 10 chicks - see below:

2 x Red Sex Link
2 x Barred Plymouth Rock
1 x Columbian Rock X
1 x Black Sex Link
1 x Noirans
1 x Leghorn
1 x Azure Blue
1 x Olive

All are coming from Frey's Hatcheries. We wanted to do different breeds to learn as much as possible during the process but the more research I am doing the more I am starting to regret my decision on the Leghorn. Also, the Azure Blue and Olive also look very similar to the Leghorn, is their temperament and personality the same?

Key Note: I have 2 young children (4 year old and 3 year old) who will be a big part of this process and are already intimidated by animals - so we were looking for very friendly and docile breed to ease them into it.

Any advice would help!
Can I ask how this went? I placed a similar order for arrival this Spring, first time chicken owner.
I would love to hear your take on the breeds you chose.

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