My hen is suddenly acting aggressive towards me when she never did before


In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2022
Hello! I’ve owned several chickens before but this is my first time owning a Silkie chicken. I’ve had her for about 5 months now and she’s always been very calm and tranquil but very recently she’s started behaving really aggressive towards me, she won’t leave me out of her site, following me everywhere and trying to peck me. I’ve also noticed sometimes she will start fights with my rooster. Now I am wondering if she’s even hen or a rooster and why she is suddenly acting so aggressive towards me. This is my Silkie in the photos.


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Yes, he's a cockerel that has matured and is trying to protect his girls/territory. He has a giant comb and wattles that are much larger than a pullet's would be. Also, the streamy long feathers coming from his head and tail area give him away as a cockerel. He probably doesn't crow because he's subordinate to the other rooster, but if he's starting fights and getting aggressive then he might be trying to take over the top spot.
Hi accidentally stepped on one of my hens. Now she pecks at the shoes that hurt her. Can’t blame her for that.

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